Monday, January 25, 2010

The Airborne Toxic Event

Ok, ok... I know I'm like two years behind the 'cutting edge' curve with this group. It's embarrassing for someone who vaguely identifies as a 'music blogger.' All the other musical elitists may now take a moment to point and laugh at me for being soo 2008.

That said, pretty much the only song I ever heard from the Airborne Toxic Event was 'Sometime Around Midnight'. I kinda liked that song, but not enough to really look up the band at any point. Maybe it is because I like their acoustic stuff better. Maybe it is because it hits a little too close to home with one or two of my exes to be enjoyable for me. Maybe that speaks well of the art, that it evokes an emotion, albeit a negative emotion that I didn't want to keep experiencing.

I'll admit that 'Sometime Around Midnight' is good, but the following song ("Gasoline", acoustic styley) is Much better. I f-ing love the melody, the jazz bass, and the classical violinist. The guitars play rhythm and/or harmony and I dig it as well. That takes some pride-swallowing for a guitarist to admit that the song wouldn't be better with a wailing, distorted electric guitar solo, but I think they play a perfect axillary role in this particular song. Tip of the cap to the drummer as well. Not a particularly flourish-y drum part, but he does a good job of keeping the beat.

Just listen to the song and tell me what you think:

After posting that just now I found a non-acoustic version, which I enjoy as well. Not as much as the acoustic, but I do like the distorted violin. See below:

Gasoline (Acoustic)

As disgustingly hipster as these guys are, I don't care. This is a fun song. It makes me want to dance. It's up-beat, funny, good instrumentals, interesting vocals, and even though my beloved guitars don't steal the show, it's arguably better that way (a difficult truth for an ego-driven guitarist to admit). I won't promise that I won't play this at a party one day, but I'll readily admit that with just guitar and vocals it will fall short.

What can I say? I'm hooked. I will have this song stuck in my head for days. Once you get done making fun of me for living under a rock for 2 years, you can secretly dance to this song too. I won't tell anyone ;)

I'll leave you with another song I like from these guys, that you may or may not have heard on the radio:

Papillon (Acoustic)


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