typical cats. what you thought hops. lyrics.
i've talked before about my love of rap/hip-hop that is less about the music and more about the poetry. here, we have a rapper who admits a few lines in that, "rockin's kinda new to me cause my true love is poetry." if the man has any talent, you know i'll love it. he does.
they're all from chicago. they all have solo projects (though i refuse to believe that any of them are nearly as good as typical cats.) when someone else writes a perfect, succinct summary for me, it's hard to pass up the plagiarism. this is from omnimix.com: "…far from typical. Qwel is the punchline-happy battle rapper, Qwazaar is the savage, "you're gonna get punched in the eye with the mic" type of rapper, and denizen kane is the poetic, often deep rhymer." as i'm sure you can guess from just that little tidbit, the above song is primarily denizen kane.
everyone who has ridden anywhere with me in my car in the last couple weeks has heard this track. if you get bored by looped samples and nothing but the sound of cavalcade after cavalcade of perfectly spaced syllables, steer clear of this song. if, however, you enjoy words...enjoy this.
i will post more poetry soon!
spencer and people who like words, check this out and tell me you didn't laugh, despite your best efforts.
in personal news:
i am now the soccer coach for the varsity girls at my mini alma mater, anzar high. this has provided me with the course that my life has been missing for so long. i'm getting in better shape again (and you know how that excites me!) i'm doing what i want to be doing...now i just need to get back into school! talk about the perfect resume enhancer for someone that wants to teach kids and coach sports for the school. i also now have my foot in the door in this school district...which just might be where i want to teach.
also, and this is really exciting, i'm dealing w/good kids!don't get me wrong, i like most of the kids in juvie, but the place gets more than a little depressing. we all laugh about seeing the same faces time after time, but i hate it.
my soccer team has given me the absolute perfect first week. i couldn't ask for anything more. they have been being put through the proverbial ringer this week and have come out the other side with grins on their faces. i guarantee that almost all of them could barely walk upon rising each morning, but they came back out and did it again every day! so exciting! if any of you girls have managed to find your way to my blog...thank you!!
first game (preseason) is on wednesday...please wish us luck!!!!
the only downside to this new job is that i haven't really had time to sleep in weeks. ahhhhh sleep....
life is looking better than it has in a long long time.
oh yeah...also, comment or i'll kill you (you know...since i just passed another thousand hits, it is incredibly easy to calculate the percentage of people who comment when they visit...it's 3%. pitiful. seriously guys...i often post full albums...albums cost like $15 [don't they? i haven't bought one in years...]...that isn't worth the 30 seconds it takes to register an opinion about the music? or about me...we all know that you have opinions about me: those of you who are intelligent and nice will have good things while those of you who are always wrong about absolutely everything will likely have negative comments. like a whipped cur, just hungry for the attention, i'll take either.)
image: linda poole. (and yes, i realize that it has nothing to do w/the post...i just love minmalist paintings of crowded streets. even her gauguinian stuff looks good...and i am not a fan of his.)